Sunshine Chinchillas
Cage Setups

Here at Sunshine Chins, all of our chinnies get pampered and spoiled. We use a few different styles of cages, some are the Prevue pet cages and others are the Critter/Ferret Nation or Feisty Ferret brand cages. For moms and babies, the Critter Nation cages are used due to the bar spacing being smaller so babies cannot escape. These are also better as they can be sectioned off to prevent kits from falling or hurting themselves.
Every chin is given plenty of toys, hay, KD pine chews, apple wood sticks, hidey huts, shelves, and much more. We make our own supplies such as hammocks, toys, chews, hay holders, snuggle pillows, and hidey huts.
For younger chins (under six months) we like to keep the cages a bit more simple to ensure there are no accidents. Some young chins and kits can be very mischievous and full of energy, this can lead to caught limbs, falls, tooth injuries, missing toes, and scrapes or cuts if the proper precautions aren't taken.
A great example of the perfect adolescent cage setup can be seen below with this little lady and her alligator fleece liner. Here she has some smooth metal shelving (these are a little hard to see in the photo as they blend in), a pine house, toys, apple wood sticks, chin chiller granite slabs, hammock, glass water bottle, ceramic food dish, timothy hay hut, and a fleece liner.

This example below shows a cage setup for an adult pair of chins. Here Maple can be seen in her habitat. Her cage consists of smooth metal shelving, a pine wood house, toys, apple wood sticks, chin chiller granite slabs, hammock, fleece cube, pine shelving, glass water bottle, ceramic food dish, pine shavings, and a properly sized Chin Spin wheel are just some of the many amenities she has to enjoy.

*Please note*
We are unable to offer tours of our chin room. Bringing in unknown individuals into a chin's environment can be stressful and dangerous. There are some illnesses that can easily be spread to chinchillas as well as the risk of causing tremendous stress. We take many precautions to ensure our chins safety and wellbeing. If you would like to know more about Sunshine Chinchillas, feel free to send us a message!